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    • 2018-11-22

    (1) If the child was born after February 9, 2000: For a child born in the R.O.C., household registration shall be filed in accordance with the Regulation for Household Registration. For a child born abroad, apply for a certificate of birth abroad from a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office. After entering the R.O.C., apply for residency. Once the time of residency and other qualifications are met, apply for citizenship and complete household registration procedures. 
    (2) If the child was under 20 years of age when the revised Law of Nationality was promulgated on February 9, 2000 (born after February 10, 1980): For a child born in the R.O.C., apply for permanent residency at the Bureau of Immigration, Ministry of the Interior. If the child holds an Alien Resident Certificate, apply to the Taipei Municipal Police Department to have it revoked, put a stamp in the R.O.C. visa and the entry stamp on the foreign passport to acquire permanent residency, and then apply for household registration. For a child born abroad, apply for a certificate of birth abroad from a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office. After entering the R.O.C., apply for residency. Once the time of residency and other qualifications are met, apply for citizenship and complete household registration procedures.

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) Filing for household registration: 
    1. Application Process: 
    (1) Child born in the R.O.C. 
    a. The biological mother shall file an application with the household registry office of her residence. 
    b. When the biological mother cannot apply in person, a representative may file on her behalf. 
    (2) Child born abroad 
    a. If the child is younger than 12 entering the R.O.C. using a R.O.C. passport, entry permit, or foreign passport, and if the mother has legal residency status in Taiwan, the mother may apply for permanent residency for the child and, with that, apply for household registration. 
    b. If the child is older than 12, an application must be filed in accordance with Articles 5,6,9 and 11 of the "Regulation for Household Registration and Registration for R.O.C. Nationals Remaining for Short and Long Term". 
    2. Required Documents 
    (1). Child born in the R.O.C. 
    a. Applicant's identification and seal (or signature). 
    b. Mother's household registration. 
    c. Original of birth certificate. 
    (2). Child born abroad 
    a. Application for residency (plus three photographs). 
    b. Copy of transient residency registration. 
    c. Original identification from country of residency prior to arrival in Taiwan. 
    d.Original of birth certificate notarized by R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office. 
    e. Original of R.O.C. or foreign passport with entrance permit stamp documenting arrival in the R.O.C. via plane or ship. 
    f. Mother's Household registry. 
    (II) Registration for Adoption by Biological Parent 
    1. Application Process 
    (1) The Adopting parent shall apply through the district Civil Administration Office of the child's registered address. 
    (2) When adopting parent is not able to apply in person, s/he may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office); that person with power of attorney must be approved by jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    (3) If the child's biological father has a Chinese surname, the child may assume the father's surname. 
    (4) Residency and citizen status will be lost upon adoption by a foreign parent. 
    2. Required Documentation 
    (1) Written adoption documents. 
    (2) Applicant's proof of identification and seal (or signature). 
    (3) Child's household registry and R.O.C. identification (except in cases where R.O.C. ID has not been issued).

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) Application Process 
    1. Child born in the R.O.C. 
    (1) Either parent may apply through the father's district Civil Administration Office. 
    (2) When adopting parent is not able to apply in person, s/he may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office). 
    2. Child born Abroad 
    (1) If the child is younger than 12 and entering the R.O.C. using a R.O.C. Passport, entry permit or foreign passport, and the if the mother has legal residency status in Taiwan, the mother may apply for permanent residency for the child and, with that, apply for household registration. 
    (2) If the child is older than 12,application for permanent residency and household registration must be filed in accordance with Articles 5,6,9 and 11 of the "Regulation for Household Registration and Registration for R.O.C. Nationals Remaining for Short and Long Term". 
    (II) Required Documents 
    1. Child born in the R.O.C. 
    (1) Applicant's identification and seal (or signature). 
    (2) Father's household registration. 
    (3) Original of birth certificate. 
    2.Child born abroad 
    (1) Application for residency (plus three photographs). 
    (2) Copy of transient residency registration. 
    (3) Original identification from country of residency prior to arrival in Taiwan. 
    (4) Original of birth certificate notarized by R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office. 
    (5) Original of R.O.C. or foreign passport with entrance permit stamp documenting arrival in the R.O.C. via plane or ship. 
    (6) Father's household registry.

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) A child who has not been adopted by his/her biological father is considered a foreign national and cannot file for household registration .To register the child as a R.O.C. national, the parent must apply for citizenship in accordance with Articles 5,6, 10 and 11 of the "Regulation for Household Registration and Registration for R.O.C. Nationals Remaining for Short and Long Term". 
    (II) Registration for Adoption 
    1. Application Process 
    (1) If the child has not yet acquired R.O.C. citizenship, the adoption application shall be recorded in the adopting parent's household registration.
    (a) The adopting parent must file an application with district Civil Administration Office 
    (b) When the adopting parent is not able to apply in person, s/he may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trace office); that person with power of attorney must be approved by the jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    (2) If the child has already acquired R.O.C. citizenship, the adoption application shall be recorded in the child's household registration. 
    (a) The adopting parent must file an application with the district Civil Administration Office. 
    (b) When the adopting parent is not able to apply in person, s/he may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate /trade office); that person with power of attorney must be approved by jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    (c) The child shall assume the father's surname. 
    2. Required Documents 
    (1) If the child has not yet acquired R.O.C. citizenship, the adoption application shall be recorded in the adopting parent's household registration.
    (a) Written adoption documents which meet R.O.C. and foreign legal standards. 
    (b) Applicant's proof of identification and seal (or applicant may sign). 
    (c) Proof of mother's single status (notarized by R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office abroad). 
    (2) If the child has acquired R.O.C. citizenship, the adoption application shall be recorded in the child's household registration. 
    (a) Written adoption documents (must meet R.O.C. and foreign legal standards). 
    (b) Applicant's proof of identification and seal (or signature). 
    (c) Child's R.O.C. identification (except in cases where a R.O.C. ID has not been issued). 
    (d) Child's or adopting parent's household registration.

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) Application Process 
    1. An attorney must register for adoption with the R.O.C. courts. 
    2. The adopting parents must file application with the child's district Civil Administration Office. 
    3. When the adopting parents are unable to apply in person, they may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office); that person with power of attorney must be approve by jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    (II) Required Documents 
    1. Applicant's identification and seal (or signature). 
    2. The adopting parent's household registry. 
    3. Court order and documentation of verification.

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) Application Process 
    1. The adoptive parents must apply through the child's district Civil Administration Office. 
    2. When the adopting parents are unable to apply in person, they may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office); that person with power of attorney must be approved by jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    3. The child shall revert to his/her birth name; the full names of the adoptive parent shall be deregistered. 
    (II) Required Documentation 
    1. Applicant's identification and seal (or signature). 
    2. The child's household registry and R.O.C. identification (except in cases Where R.O.C. ID has not been issued). 
    3. Legal documentation certifying termination of adoption which is recognized by R.O.C. and foreign laws. (Those filing abroad must have documentation notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office.)

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) Application Process 
    1. The adoptive parents must apply through the child's district Civil Administration Office. 
    2. When the adopting parents are unable to apply in person, they may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office); that person with power of attorney must be approved by jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    3. The child shall revert to his/her birth name; the full names of the adoptive parent shall be deregistered. 
    (II) Required Documentation 
    1. Applicant's identification and seal (or signature). 
    2. The child's household registry and R.O.C. identification (except in cases Where R.O.C. ID has not been issued). 
    3. Legal documentation certifying termination of adoption which is recognized by R.O.C. and foreign laws. (Those filing abroad must have documentation notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office.)

    • 2018-11-22

    (I) Application Process 
    1. The adoptive parents must apply through their district Civil Administration Office. 
    2. When the adoptive parents are unable to apply in person, they may appoint a representative by power of attorney (power of attorney established abroad must be notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office); that person with power of attorney must be approved by jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. 
    (II) Required Documentation 
    1. Applicant's identification and seal (or signature). 
    2. Legal documentation certifying termination of adoption which is recognized by R.O.C. and foreign laws. (Those filing abroad must have documentation notarized by the R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office.)

    • 2018-11-21

    (I) Application Process 1. Divorcing in the R.O.C. Both husband and wife must file with the R.O.C. citizen spouse's district Civil Administrative Office. 2. Couples divorcing abroad (1) File with the R.O.C. citizen spouse's district Civil Administration Office. (2) Applicants who are unable to apply in person may appoint a representative by power of attorney; that person with power of attorney must be approved by the jurisdictional Civil Administration Office. (3) Applicants who have not yet transferred their household registration abroad must register their divorce in the district of their residency; applicants who have already transferred their household registration abroad shall first apply first for re-registration to Taiwan before filing an application for divorce. (4) Applicants must request, in person, through the R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office that their registration for divorce be forwarded to the appropriate district Civil Administration Office. (II) Required Documents 1. Couples divorcing in the R.O.C. (1) Household registration, R.O.C. identification and seal for the R.O.C. citizen. (2) Identification of the foreign spouse. (3) Divorce papers (bearing signature of two witnesses); in the case of a court-ordered divorce, the court order and documentation of authenticity. 2.Couples divorcing abroad (1) If applying through the R.O.C. district Civil Administrative Office. a. Household registration R.O.C. identification and seal for the R.O.C. citizen. b. Identification of the foreign spouse. c. Original and Chinese translation of divorce papers which have been notarized by a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office; in the case of a court-ordered divorce, original and Chinese translation of notarized court order. (2) If applying abroad through a R.O.C. embassy/consulate/trade office a. Divorce papers. b. Documentation of foreign spouse's single status. (III) At the time of filing registration for divorce, the spouse who has assumed the surname of the other should apply to revert to his/her own surname.