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Registration of Guardianship


  1. Guardian
  2. Consignee

Certificate documents are required (original copies):

  1. Legal Guardianship: Please submit the certificate of relative relationship.
  2. Authorized Guardianship: The power of attorney by the parents of ward (please note clearly the certain term and specific items of guardianship).
  3. Guardianship of Will: The will of father or mother who dies later.
  4. Assigned Guardianship of Court: Court verdict, certificate of confirmed judgment.
  5. Guardianship of Interdiction: Verdict of interdiction announcement.
  6. Application by Guardian: ID card, seal (or signature).
  7. Authorization for application: Power of attorney; ID card, seal (or signature) of consignee.
  8. Authorization in foreign countries: Please submit the power of attorney verified by the consular office in foreign countries or the institutes permitted by government. For example, the documents made in the mainland of China have to be verified by the Straits Exchange Foundation.