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Certificate, Organization & Nailing of Door Plate


  1. Organization & Nailing of Door Plate:
    • Owner of House
    • Manager
    • Present Resident
    • Builder
    • Interested Party
  2. Certificate of Door Plate:
    • Owner of House
    • Manager
    • Present Resident
    • Consignee
    • Interested Party

Certificate documents are required (original copies):

  1. Organization & Nailing of Door Plate:
    • ID card and seal of applicant
    • Original and copy of building certificate (The original building certificate will be returned immediately after check is finished.)
    • Floor plan, plan of current situation of house, plan of house's position, plan of boundary
    • If the applicant wants to authorize others to complete the procedure of registration, please submit the power of attorney. (If applicant wants to authorize company or institute to complete the procedure of registration, please submit the ID card no. and household address of the person in charge.)
    • The original and copy of the title deed of land, or lease of national land shall be submitted if the house is built illegally, which was constructed well and has been resided. (The original of the title deed of land will be returned immediately after check is finished). The applicant's household shall move in after the number of doorplate is re-organized and nailed.
    • If the house is dismantled and re-built, but still keeps the same number of doorplate, the dismantling certificate shall be submitted.
  2. Certificate of Door Plate:
    • ID card, seal (or signature) of applicant
    • Original and copy of title deed of building; or original and copy of house tax list in the year when bring on the application.
    • If the applicant wants to authorize others to complete the procedure of registration, please submit the power of attorney. (If the applicant wants to authorize company or institute, please submit the ID card no. and household address of the person in charge.)
    • If the applicant is the interested party, please submit the documents of the interested relationship.