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Registration of Alternation of Name


  1. The applicant himself/ herself
  2. Statutory Agent (If father or mother cannot apply together, please submit the agreement of the other party.)

Certificate documents are required (original copies):

  1. The applicant who has the reasons mentioned as below is qualified to change his/her name:
    • The applicant's name is identical with other people's one, who serves or studies at the same authority, institute, group or school at the same time. (Please submit the certificate issued by the service institute or school.)
    • The applicant's name is identical with the one of lineal ascendant within the third degree relations. (Please submit the certificate of relatives or related household register.)
    • The applicant's name is identical with the one who resides at the same city or county over 6 months. (Please submit one copy of household register of the one who has the same name.)
    • Discover the applicant's name is same as other people during evaluating the qualification in selecting officials and being reported by the authority of personnel. (Please submit the notification issued by the authority of personnel.)
    • The applicant's name is same as the one of criminal who is listed as wanted. (Please submit the circular order or notification.)
    • The applicant's name is vulgar or inelegant, or he/she has other special reasons. If the applicant wants to change her/his name according to this clause, he/she is limited to change his/her name for only two times. However, the minor can't change his/her name for the second time until he/she achieves the legal age. (Please submit the initial household register. If the applicant wants to change his/her name for the second time, please submit the household register, which is attached the initial alternation of name.)
  2. Apply for taking the surname during the relationship of marriage (please submit the agreement of the two parties of marriage), or withdrawing to take the surname (agreement is not needed, but the application can only filed for one time during the same relationship of marriage).
  3. Taiwan aborigines can apply for original traditional name, correction of name, and name of parents.