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Registration of Initial Establishment of Household & Alternation of Address


  1. The applicant himself/herself (statutory representative), Head of Household.
  2. Consignee
  3. Interested party (If without the applicant of Item 1 mentioned above)

Certificate documents are required (original copies):

  1. Those who have household register in Taiwan can bring passport of our country with seal of entry, or copy of entry permit or abolished household register to transact.
  2. Household list of immigration and emigration place, ID card of immigrator, seal (or signature of applicant); consignee shall hand in the power of attorney additionally.
  3. Those who set up single living household shall bring the following certificates (original copy) to transact:
    • An applicant, who moves in his/her own house or resides at others' house without consideration, should bring the deed of house, tax sheet of house (latest one) or other certificates of title deed.
    • Those who rent others' house should bring a lease contract with court notarization.
    • Bring the receipts of water, power, and gas expenses for last six months paid by the applicant himself/herself, spouse, lineal relative, or lineal in-laws.
    • Those who have residence fact but cannot present the above certificates can transact after inspection of police officer of the area.
  4. As for the migration of minor children, if parents cannot transact together, one who cannot show up should provide a letter of consent for the other parent to take charge.